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The Amazing Metamorphosis of Quartz and Feldspar into Granite. From Mount Rushmore to Your Kitchen,

If it's time to replace your bathroom or kitchen counters, you'll find that few materials are as durable, versatile, and beautiful as granite. Sometimes referred to as a “dimension stone,” which means that it can be cut into large, flat slabs or blocks, granite is easy to clean and polish, typically withstands abrasion and weather damage, and has a hefty load-bearing capacity. But have you ever wondered what gives granite its array of different patterns or why it comes in a range of colors? You may have seen granite counter tops that are speckled with gray and pink, white with dark spots or stripes, or stunning swirls. The color variation is due to the composition ratio of the stone, and granite's seemingly endless lineup of colors and patterns means that it can match the décor scheme of most homes and buildings.

How It’s Made

An igneous and plutonic rock, granite is formed when magma cools and crystallizes, a process that occurs below the surface of the Earth. Geologists consider granite to be the Earth's most abundant rock type, making up an estimated 70 to 80 percent of the continental crust, so it's no wonder that granite deposits can be found throughout the United States, especially in mountain ranges. Major U.S. sources for granite dimension stone include the states of Georgia, Idaho and South Dakota. Granite is mainly composed of feldspar and quartz, but it may contain any number of trace minerals as well, including muscovite and mica. If the rock contains a high ratio of feldspar, more pink will be present in the stone. Darker hues may indicate the presence of biotite or a significant amount of quartz in the granite. The differences in the rock's patterns and composition means that no two slabs are exactly alike, so wherever you utilize granite, your finished product will be completely unique.

Make It Your Own

Not only for interior applications, granite can also be seen in paving stones and walkways, and the natural material has been used for thousands of years. You may not even realize that you've seen the amazing diversity of granite at famous sites: Mount Rushmore is carved in granite, and Yellowstone Park's trademark cliffs are composed mainly of granite, too. Here at Stone City, we love to talk about granite and will help you find the perfect color and pattern for your upcoming remodeling project. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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