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Projects That are Often Problematic for DIY Residents

There are many projects that homeowners like to take on in a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) fashion. DIY is a trending topic that has residents doing everything from Martha Stewart-type crafts for the holidays to heavy-duty carpentry projects. There are just some projects, however, that people often regret not leaving up to the experts to do for them.

Fitting and Installing Countertops

Countertop installation in Sioux Falls and the surrounding areas can be difficult and may require a professional. Countertops are bulky items that can look very unprofessional if they are cut incorrectly. In order to prevent mold, a hole must be cut that is the right size for the sink and then the sink must be correctly fastened in. Many homeowners think they are up to DIY tasks, but then struggle with the frustrating reality of large chores like this. Countertops aren’t cheap, especially high-end granite or marble, and can be very expensive to have to replace if a mistake is made.

Plumbing and Wiring Problems

When amateurs try to fix their own plumbing or electrical problems, code often goes right out the window. Because beginners don’t know the current code and are relying on the internet to tell them how to fix their problems, they can often run into snags. DIY projects are a much better idea when they can’t go wrong later. An incorrectly sealed pipe, for example, could lead to a hidden drip that causes water damage and mold for a long time before being caught. Electrical mistakes could lead to outage issues or house fires. Often, residents find that they still have to call a professional after working so hard to resolve a project, leading to spending both excess time and money in the long run.

Fireplace Cleaning

Many homeowners either don’t get their chimney cleaned at all, or they attempt to do in themselves. Chimney cleaning is important for preventing house fires, but it is also a very messy job. In order to get off the layers of caked on ash, the right brushes have to be used. Additionally, purchasing or renting a brush that is long enough to reach up into the chimney is quite pricey to begin with. While a chimney sweep is cleaning the chimney, he will also inspect other parts, like the flashing and the flue, to make sure everything is in proper working order.

photo credit: <a href="">Le Pig de Spider / BLDR #5</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>


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