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Reducing Clutter and Messes in the Home

The cluttered home is where a cluttered mind lives. In order for adults to be thinking and seeing clearer than ever before, they need to get their homes organized. Many adults find that by decluttering and reducing their belongings, they are better able to be at peace with themselves and build stronger relationships with those who matter most to them.

Stacks and Piles

Custom countertops can be specially made for the Sioux Falls resident that has a strangely shaped area for a countertop. Countertops can be made to fit exactly with the style of the home and provide the best counter space possible within the kitchen. It is important to many homeowners that their kitchen space is efficient, yet many kitchen countertops become catch-alls for junk mail, notes, reminders, papers, bills, receipts and more.

These visually cluttering piles are some of the first clutter to go when a resident wants to shift from chaos to order. While it seems like a small task, these kid of visually disturbing problems around the house make things feel out of order and hopeless. It is important for an adult to shift thinking to areas of cluttered stacks like this are not allowed to continue.

Junk Drawers

Hidden drawers might be the worst culprits, because they are often not visible or obnoxious enough to make it onto the to-do list. In order to declutter the home, spaces like this are especially important to expose and alter. These hidden drawers can cause some of the most unorganized feelings, yet get some of the littlest focus. Adults have to realize they are not going to be able to fight their feelings of disorganized hopelessness when small niches like this exist that allow chaos to happen.

Organizing closets

Closets can be a best friend or a worst enemy for the adult with clutter issues. Clutter can stack up in the closet and stay hidden. However, a well organized closet can also provide a lot of hidden space that holds items in their rightful place. It is important that every item gets a place where it can belong and where it should be returned after use.

Adults that have kids have to make sure their children know where the things go and are helping with the cleaning. Children toddler age and older should have responsibilities they help with. A small child, for example, can help with putting away toys, putting shoes in closets, making the bed and more. Responsibilities help lift the load on the parent, but—and, more importantly—responsibilities teach children to act for themselves and meet expectations.

photo credit: <a href="">Decluttering and organizing a little at a time</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>

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