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Why Granite is Great for Countertops

Putting new countertops in Sioux Falls homes has long been a popular practice. This is because doing so provides a lot of bang for the buck. Small counters serve as accent pieces as well as providing usable surface area, while long ones naturally dominate the room they're in. Needless to say, covering them with high-end tops makes sure that the remodeling job is impossible for visitors to miss.

Granite is one of the most popular materials for countertop upgrades because of its natural beauty, variety of available colors and patterns, and is ability to be polished to a hard shine. These things combine to create breathtaking effects that can make people stop to admire them. They also ensure that any properly cared-for granite surface will have the high-end appearance that can raise the value of a house in an instant.

Expanding the Project

Even though granite countertops greatly improve the appearance of the room where they're installed, it is often worth it to add a few other things to get the full effect. New cabinets will ensure that the room's appearance won't degrade when people start to look around, and new paint on the walls is sure to freshen things up. Floors tend to stay in good shape for a long time, but if they have finally succumbed to the effect of aging, replace them. The same goes for floors that look dated. Choose modern styles and materials that will complement the new countertops so everything looks like it fits together.

Keep it Looking Great

Maintaining a granite countertop is easy. The manufacturer will have specific instructions, but in general, these counters should be cleaned with mild products that are neither abrasive nor acidic. It's also important to wipe up spills quickly, especially if the substance is something acidic like tomato juice or orange juice. These precautions protect the finish and ensure that stains don't have a chance to seep through it and get into the porous stone beneath.

Granite countertops will last for years with such basic care. The hardness of the stone ensures that it is unlikely to suffer from chips or similar damage. It is important to note that the finish can be scratched, so the shine isn't invincible, but modern finishes are resistant to damage from normal use.

For these reasons, the love of granite countertops has made it long past the fad stage. This material is sure to remain a favorite for decades to come.

photo credit: <a href="">Sagaponak Kitchen 1</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>

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