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Natural Stone — Beauty, Practicality, and Value

Lie a piece of Formica down next to a piece of granite and the stark difference between the two surface products become amazingly clear. Granite offers a depth with which Formica can never compete. In this article, we discuss some of the benefits of using natural stone in kitchens and bathrooms.

The Beauty of Natural Stone

Natural stone offers so many options to designers that plastic products do not offer. Two of the more common foci are color and texture. Granite comes in an array of colors, and the crystalline structure of each piece of granite is different. The mafic granites are darker while the felsic granites are lighter in color. So there is a range in color that runs from black to almost white.

The hue of the color is only one aspect to consider when it comes to choosing natural stone. Granite has an inner texture that forms based on the minerals that make up the stone. The beautiful part of natural stone is the subtle shade of color that run through the stone in veins. This is one reason people replace their tile and Formica countertops with granite, onyx, sandstone, and marble. The beauty is so much richer than anything man can create using plastics. That is why granite is the first choice for interior design in Sioux Falls.

The Practical Side of Natural Stone

Many types of stone are harder than plastic surfaces so that as you use them they remain clean and scratch-free. Stone, such as granite, is easy to clean, and because it is sealed, bacteria and mold cannot live for long on its surface. Its strength allows people to wipe it down and prep food right on its surface. There is no danger of scorching the surface of granite so hot pots can sit right on its surface too.

The same benefits exist for natural stone products made for the bathroom. Cleaning natural stone is easy too. Quality bath design in Sioux Falls begins with selecting beautiful granite surfaces.

The Value of Natural Stone

Because of the durability of natural stone, it retains its value. It does not need replacing in ten or twenty years like Formica or tile. That means that a kitchen remodel can last as longer than man-made products. Natural stone adds value to your property because of its longevity.

Granite is the most popular natural stone for interior deign in Sioux Falls because of its beauty, practicality, and value.

photo credit: <a href="">Clouds Rest viewed from North Dome</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>

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