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High-Impact Kitchen Improvements

A full kitchen remodeling involves many elements, but putting them all in at once can be cost-prohibitive. One solution is to redo the kitchen one part at a time. Another good option is to replace one or two high-impact elements so the eye is drawn to them instead of the older aspects. Here are some good targets for freshening up the kitchen in these ways:

The Countertop

Putting custom countertops into Sioux Falls kitchens can make them look almost entirely new. For this to work, the cabinets should still be in pretty good shape so there isn't a big visual break between the new and the old. If the cabinets won't be refaced, choose a countertop color that looks like it belongs with them. This will increase the tendency to see the entire area as a new unit.

Granite countertops are still in style, and that's because they're stunningly beautiful. The wide variety of patterns available in granite also makes it possible to enhance any decor with this rock. When it comes to kitchens, the impact of the granite is greatly increased when the countertop is long. If the current layout only leaves room for a short counter, consider redesigning it enough to add a longer one.

The Floor

In large kitchens, the floor is a huge focal point. This means that the right flooring can be breathtakingly beautiful. On the other side of the coin, a worn or dingy floor will destroy the looks of everything else in the area. If the current floor is of the latter variety, redo it for an immediate and powerful improvement.

The Cabinets

Cabinetmakers would have people believe that these are the most important elements in the kitchen, but are they? In reality, it depends on how the room is laid out. Cabinets that are below counters are visible, but the eye will be drawn to the countertop rather than what's under it. On the other hand, hanging cabinets are very obvious thanks to their position at or just above eye level. This means that new hanging cabinets are often worth the investment, while under-counter ones often can get by with refacing or refinishing.

By focusing improvements on one or more of these key things, the kitchen can be greatly beautified without the expense of changing everything out. Of course, once a big improvement has been made, chances are that there will be a sudden motivation to do the rest after all!

photo credit: <a href="">Sagaponak Kitchen 4</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>

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