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Choosing the Right Material for a Countertop

Many types of countertops look beautiful, but not all of them will stay that way under all possible conditions. Therefore, it's important to match the material to the use the counter is likely to need to endure. This will ensure that the countertop doesn't wear out prematurely. Here are some popular countertop types and where they are best installed:


This has been the most popular high-end material for many years now, and it's one of the only ones that can stand up to most household uses for extended periods of time. Granite is a very hard and tough type of stone, so it's very hard to scratch it. That said, it's important to remember that a major source of granite's good looks is its finish. Protect the finish by refraining from using it as a cutting board and by being careful not to scrape things across it. Also, be sure to wipe up any spills immediately so that they can't soak into the rock and cause stains.


There's no doubt that marble is a beautiful stone, but it's also a surprisingly soft one. That makes it unsuitable for the kitchen, where it might be subjected to things like small appliances being slid across it. This doesn't mean that marble can't be used for countertops – far from it! Simply install it in the bathroom or bedroom, where it is unlikely to be challenged by anything heavy.


This material is nonporous, so it won't stain, but it is also fairly easy to scratch and naturally has a matte finish. Because of these things, it's best used as a decorative accent instead of as a working countertop. A small slate counter or shelf meant to hold accents like figurines or plants will add low-maintenance interest.

Ceramic Tile

Tile is very functional, but it was popular during a specific period of time and the trends have changed. This gives it a very retro look which limits its use to places where that is desired. Functionally, the main downside to any ceramic tile surface is the need to clean the grout, which seems to attract all of the dirt that the tile sloughs off.

As this shows, granite is one of the best overall materials for countertops in Sioux Falls. The other materials, however, can be great at providing variation and interest in rooms where the conditions aren't too demanding.

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