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Why Your Kitchen Needs Granite Counter Tops

Granite is a popular material used in kitchen and bathroom remodels these days, and there are many reasons as to why this is the case. If you're thinking about doing a kitchen remodel on your property—whether it be to simply improve your quality of living or to increase the value of your home for resale—the key is to go for high-end materials. This includes granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances, and luxurious wood cabinetry.

Here at Stone City Kitchen & Bath, we've got the materials you need to take your kitchen remodel to the next level. As a result, you'll enjoy a high-end, well functioning kitchen and get the largest return on your investment down the road.

Why Granite for a Kitchen?

One of the things we specialize in here at Stone City Kitchen & Bath is granite counter tops, which are among the most popular materials used in modern kitchen designs these days. Now, you might be wondering why you would spend the extra money to install granite counter tops when you can get laminate counter tops that mimic the look of granite for half the price.

There are many reasons as to why granite is worth the additional expense. For starters, it's a high-end material that will give your kitchen a more luxurious feel and add more value than basic laminate. Furthermore, because of its durability, you'll enjoy less stress when it comes to maintaining and cleaning your granite counter tops.

Granite is also the idea kitchen counter top solution because it's heat- and scratch-resistant. Therefore, you're less likely to leave burn marks on your counters from hot pots and pans in addition to being less likely to scratch the surface of your counters with a knife.

Why Stone City Kitchen & Bath?

Here at Stone City Kitchen & Bath, we have a number of granite slabs for you to choose from—so no matter what you had in mind for your kitchen design in your Sioux Falls home, you'll be sure to find what you're looking for. We also offer competitive pricing to make sure you get a great deal, along with knowledgeable staff that can help you through every step of the process.

Transform your kitchen space with granite counter tops and add value to your home in the process. Get started today by shopping at Stone City Kitchen & Bath for all your granite needs.

photo credit: <a href="">Tile Backspash Design</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>

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