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Tips And Techniques For Painting Your Kitchen

Have you lost the appetite for painting your kitchen lately? You know it's in need of fresh paint, but you can't seem to squeeze in enough time to get it painted? If this sounds like you, there's no reason to feel alone. Here at Stone City, we specialize in interior design in Sioux Falls, and we'd like to share some tips with you about painting your kitchen.

Preparation is the key

Before you start anything, survey the existing paint in your kitchen area; it is very important to know the kind of paint that is on your walls already. If the original paint on the walls is oil-based, you will need a high-adhesion latex primer before you apply environmentally-friendly latex paints. You will need to keep in mind that along with today's more advanced, scrub able latex paints, there is no need to use any oil based products in your kitchen. Keep an eye out for scratch marks and holes in the walls as they will need to be sanded and filled before painting. If you are painting cabinetry, you will need to remove all hardware and handles before painting.

Choosing the right finish

Your kitchen is probably the room in your home that receives the most amount of traffic. Because of this, you will want to use a paint that is both washable and stain resistant. It is recommended that you use either a semi-gloss or gloss paint because of their durability and shine.

Prime the area that is being painted

To get a long lasting paint job, it is best to clean and lightly sand the area, and then prime before applying paint. Primers have stain-blocking properties that can cover existing stains. There are even primers on the market that will cover iron or steel if needed, which can be an anti-rust inhibitor.

Match your colors to the room

There are no rules when it comes to picking kitchen paint, but there are popular colors that help create a cheerful atmosphere and increase appetites, including citrus lime green, terra cotta, peach and sunny yellow. If you have white appliances, then a simple black and white color can provide a beautiful backdrop.

Think outside the walls

Paint can be the least expensive decorating tool, so why not use some creativity to make a complete kitchen makeover? In addition to ceilings and walls, range hoods, back splashes, countertops and cabinets are all good candidates for applying a fresh coat of paint.

photo credit: <a href="">Tempura Finger Paint Grand Rapids Montessori School</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>

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